Bird Woman
Watching birds,
their simple, spacious lives,
(peck a seed here, sip a drop of dew
there). See them perched safely on a
power line with at least thirty close
relatives, and freedom to
fly when bored.
I want to be a bird woman,
satisfied with small, daily memos from
God who has promised food, and a
safe power line on which to find
footing in any weather.
Also, wings for realms I only
dream of, intimations of continents
to cross, nests to build.
Luci Shaw
Little Revelations
Bird Woman
Where color is spare
Take These Words
God's Act in Acts
Irina Ratushinskaya
Comeback for snowy plover
Dancing in the Cathedral
Chiang Mai
The Possibilities of Clay
Sonnet for my left hip
The Golden Carp
What I Needed to Do
Mary Considers Her Situation
States of being
The longevity of roots
The Returns of Love
Leaf, fallen
Photos from My Trip
The Songs of Camoapa
The Annunciatory Angel
Psalm for the January Thaw
Schrodinger's Indeterminacy
Holding On
The chair without distinction
The blue eyeball
Emergency supplies
Peace on earth
Robin in the Late Afternoon
Catch of the Day
All poems are copyrighted by Luci Shaw.
To be reprinted only by permission of the author.